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Calendar Plan Generator - Source Code Edition

Application Microsoft Excel Version 3.00
Author OfficeHelp
Tested on versions: 2000 (9.0), XP (10.0), 2003 (11.0), 2007 (12.0), 2010 (14.0), 2013, 2016 - should work on any version from Office 97

Generate project style weekly calendar plans, from a task list and associated details. SOURCE CODE available for changes for VBA Macro developers.

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Consultant? Software Developer? Corporate IT? Supply your clients with your own version of our calendar software!!!

Rebrand messages and interface with YOUR logos and trademarks Add missing features or adjust existing ones to your clients special needs. Supply it as your own product.

Full access to the Macro source code. If you know Excel VBA you should have no problems understanding this macro. Request support and additional explanations using the Contact Us link on this website or select the support link on this page.

What do I get after purchase?

After payment at PayPal, you will get to a confirmation page with a link to download a XLS file containing the Microsoft® Excel file (CalendarPlan3SCE.xls). Click on this link and save the file to your own hard drive. To get to the Macro source code press ALT+F11 to open the VBA Macro Editor. Inside of the code editor there are 3 modules:

  • Module1 - Generic Functions and interaction with the Input interface
  • Module2 - Daily calendar generation code
  • Module3 - Weekly calendar generation code (modified version of Module2)

Code includes generic comments, Function and Sub and Variable names are meaningful. You can request support and additional explanations using the Contact Us link on this website or select the support link on this page.

Licence Terms

You have full rights to modify and redistribute the Calendar Plan Generator Vs3.00 to any existing or future external or internal client by personal relationship. You are strictly forbidden to redistribute, sell or made any version (modified or original) available to the general public, use it to advertise or attract new clients and to make it available on the Internet of any form and under any protocol. Macro can only be supplied to third parties under commercial relationships involving personal contacts. Distribution to internal clients within a corporation is allowed.

Source Code Edition is Vs3.0 corresponding to the commercial product Calendar Plan Generator BASIC Edition. The ADVANCED and CUSTOM Editions are not available for website purchase in Source Code mode. If interested, please Contact Us for a personalized purchase.

Try our FREE DEMO - (Source code is NOT available on the demo)

Download and try our FREE DEMO. It works exactly as they Full Version except for these restrictions:

  • Only the first 7 tasks are used, the remaining are ignored;
  • The calendar will stop at 27 days after the start date, even with later finish dates;
  • Source code is not available on the DEMO;

Download your FREE DEMO here! 

Don't wait any more! Create YOUR OWN version of the Calendar Plan Generator.

SOURCE CODE EDITION: Includes access to the Macro Source Code. If you know how to develop in Excel VBA, you will be able to manipulate the code! Implement your own functionality. Replace our message boxes with yours! Rebrand the product for delivery to consulting clients ot for internal corporate distribution.

Fancy that Project Style calendars but don't have a project management software? 

If you have Microsoft® Excel®, you can now generate Project style calendar plans, just by entering the tasks and associated data like it's name and the starting and end date. Use different colors and select a deadline terminator for each task. Indent each task to its level or sub-level.

Really easy to use, just fill in the values in the Input Cells and press the "Run" button to .

Calendar Plan Generator Input File Screen Shot

PIC. 1 - Screen Shot from the Microsoft® Excel Macro File (Click to Enlarge)

The system will generate a new workbook with the resulting Calendar (PICs. 2 and 3). This new workbook HAS NO MACROS on it, just the resulting calendar. Change, save and email it as any other regular Microsoft® Excel file.

TWO types of calendar plan from the SAME task list!

Generate daily, weekly or both calendar plans from the same task list and parameters:

  • Daily Calendar Plans are calendar plans with a column for each separated day in the calendar main interval. This gives maximum detail but produces long calendars for large periods. Better for smaller periods, when details are important;
  • Weekly Calendar Plans are calendar plans with a column for each separated week in the calendar main interval. This gives less detail but produces compact calendars for larger periods. Better for larger periods, when the "big picture" is important.

Calendar Plan Generator Result File (DAILY)  Screen Shot

PIC. 2 - Screen Shot from the resulting DAILY Microsoft® Excel File (Click to Enlarge)

Calendar Plan Generator Result File (WEEKLY) Screen Shot

PIC. 3 - Screen Shot from the resulting WEEKLY Microsoft® Excel File (Click to Enlarge)

SOURCE CODE EDITION: Includes access to the Macro Source Code. If you know how to develop in Excel VBA, you will be able to manipulate the code! Implement your own functionality. Replace our message boxes with yours! Rebrand the product for delivery to consulting clients ot for internal corporate distribution.

Automatically split long calendars

Force calendar plans to be automatically split every N (3, 6, ...) months to produce readable and easy to print plans. Create each split plan on the same sheet or on different workbooks at choice. No additional effort, just make your choices and press run!

Non-split calendar (Click to enlarge)

PIC. 4 - Non-split Calendar (Click to Enlarge)

Split Calendar (Click to Enlarge)

PIC. 5 - Split Calendar (Click to Enlarge)

Is Help available?

Yes. There are two sheets on the Microsoft® Excel Workbook (PIC. 4). The first one is the Input sheet, the second is the Help one. There is also an Online Help Page for this product (see bottom of page for all related links).

Excel Sheets within the Macro

PIC. 6 - Input and Help Sheets

Can the resulting Calendar Plans be customized?

Yes, before and after generation. The month names, supplied in English, can be changed to match any other language. The task bars on the calendar can have selected colors and optional deadline terminator.

After generation, the file can be manually changed as any other regular Microsoft® Excel file. There are no special features to the Calendar file, it is a regular Excel file with painted cells.

Can I save the Plan Generator with the Plan Data? Can I have several copies?

It's a regular Microsoft® Excel file. There are NO MACROS on the resulting plan, only on the generator file. It can be freely copied and manipulated.

Consultant? Software Developer? Corporate IT? Supply your clients with your own version of our calendar software!!!

Rebrand messages and interface with YOUR logos and trademarks Add missing features or adjust existing ones to your clients special needs. Supply it as your own product.

Full access to the Macro source code. If you know Excel VBA you should have no problems understanding this macro. Request support and additional explanations using the Contact Us link on this website or select the support link on this page.

SOURCE CODE EDITION: Includes access to the Macro Source Code. If you know how to develop in Excel VBA, you will be able to manipulate the code! Implement your own functionality. Replace our message boxes with yours! Rebrand the product for delivery to consulting clients ot for internal corporate distribution.

What do I get after purchase?

After payment at PayPal, you will get to a confirmation page with a link to download a XLS file containing the Microsoft® Excel file (CalendarPlan3SCE.xls). Click on this link and save the file to your own hard drive. To get to the Macro source code press ALT+F11 to open the VBA Macro Editor. Inside of the code editor there are 3 modules:

  • Module1 - Generic Functions and interaction with the Input interface
  • Module2 - Daily calendar generation code
  • Module3 - Weekly calendar generation code (modified version of Module2)

Code includes generic comments, Function and Sub and Variable names are meaningful. You can request support and additional explanations using the Contact Us link on this website or select the support link on this page.

Licence Terms

You have full rights to modify and redistribute the Calendar Plan Generator Vs3.00 to any existing or future external or internal client by personal relationship. You are strictly forbidden to redistribute, sell or made any version (modified or original) available to the general public, use it to advertise or attract new clients and to make it available on the Internet of any form and under any protocol. Macro can only be supplied to third parties under commercial relationships involving personal contacts. Distribution to internal clients within a corporation is allowed.

Source Code Edition is Vs3.0 corresponding to the commercial product Calendar Plan Generator BASIC Edition. The ADVANCED and CUSTOM Editions are not available for website purchase in Source Code mode. If interested, please Contact Us for a personalized purchase.

Try our FREE DEMO - (Source code is NOT available on the demo)

Download and try our FREE DEMO. It works exactly as they Full Version except for these restrictions:

  • Only the first 7 tasks are used, the remaining are ignored;
  • The calendar will stop at 27 days after the start date, even with later finish dates;
  • Source code is not available on the DEMO;

Download your FREE DEMO here! 

Don't wait any more! Create YOUR OWN version of the Calendar Plan Generator.

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